Affordable CBD Oil Tinctures in Lancaster, PA

The hunt for affordable CBD oil tinctures that are locally grown and produced in Lancaster County is off! Hanf Extracts is a creator of flavored CBD tinctures made by plants grown right here in Lancaster and Chester Counties.

CBD oil tinctures are used for their potential ability. By simply using our CBD every morning and night, you may be able to experience the benefits of CBD oil. Order online, and your tinctures, topicals, and edibles can ship right to your door! Get started ordering online today!


Shop Our Large Selection Of 1000mg CBD Oil

In our CBD online store, we offer plenty of flavored and non-flavored CBD oil. Choose from unique flavors like chocolate mint or orange cream, or keep it original with our naturally flavored 1000mg CBD oil. You even have the option to choose the strength of your product from 500mg, 1000mg, and 1500mg. Browse our selection above and find the right 1000mg CBD oil that works for you!

Know that you love using CBD oil tinctures? Sign up for our monthly subscription box to get CBD products shipped straight to your door!   

Flavored CBD Tinctures

Flavored CBD tinctures are well known for their potential. We recommend taking your CBD oil tincture once in the morning and once at night, approximately an hour before bed, to have the best shot at results. Our flavored CBD tinctures come in chocolate mint and orange cream. We even offer our flavored CBD tinctures for our furry friends. Our CBD tinctures are pet-friendly for dogs and cats. Try out our 100mg CBD oil product today for you or your pet!

Shop Our CBD Oil Tinctures For Sale Today!

For CBD tinctures for sale right here in Lancaster County, Hanf Extracts offers a great line of products. Our hemp farmers in Lancaster and Chester County have become experts in their field( no pun intended). Take a few moments to browse the selection of CBD oil tinctures for sale online through our website or call us with any questions or specific requests. Thank you in advance for supporting local businesses by partnering with Hanf Extracts!